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 My Muse, Internal Family Systems (IFS)                                               Sessions

Until I started exploring my internal world with Joanne Gaffney in 2010 I always wondered where the inspiration for my next wall hanging would come from.   Once I became familiar with in Internal Family Systems (IFS), however, many images came forth in our therapy sessions and now the question is how do I depict an important discovery from a session?  How do I make these speak to you the viewer? 
For me, the first and slipperiest part of IFS that Joanne introduced me to was Self energy.  This is a centered, calm, curious, compassionate energy that  has no agenda but is able to be in leadership of all the parts.  To the right is one way  I found to picture Self energy.
From this place of Self energy, Joanne guided me to go inside and meet protectors and parts of me that have been exiled.  To the right is a protector part.

At first I had a lot of trouble staying in Self energy and my explainer part that gets very anxious when things don't make logical sense kept jumping in, answering for the parts or the Self.  With tremendous compassion and patience Joanne in her place of Self energy would notice that this part had come in, honor her for her role in my life, and ask her if she would be willing to soften and step back so we could hear the story from the protector or part first hand.  To the left is one of the protectors.


Once the protector finds it safe enough to let us meet the exiled part that the protector is protecting we are able to meet the exile.  Often this is a child.  Sometimes the parts show pictures, or bring up memories or speak about who they are and how they came to be exiled.    The child exile to the left clings to the protector's leg and is wrapped in a straight jacket of confusion about People's expectations of her.
When parts have told us all they want to say, Joanne asks if they are ready to come into the here and now and be unburdened and to be in connection with the Self as their primary caregiver.  The exile can give the burden up to the elements of earth, air, fire and water, or other ways the part desires.  The black shadow burden of shame on the left here is taken up by white angel birds to the feet of God.

Sometimes allies show up in the sessions.  So far we've met the Angel Gabriel, an Indian scout and two very vigorous ancient women, Rumpelstiltskin, Oden, the Cat Goddess of Golden Possibilities, a dragon of creativity and more.   The Indian scout, pictured on the left here is the only one that I consciously remember.

Being there for my parts in Self energy was very tricky at first, since I had trouble accessing Self energy.  But my parts were brave.  When asked what qualities they know they need for their future, they have a variety of answers but most include "courage."  And magically their courage has built my connection with Self energy which in turn is now more courageous in showing up, for my parts, my Self and other people and situations in my life.  
I hope you can recognize some of your  parts, protectors, allies and  Self energy in these works.


centered Self energy

Burdened child part


Unburdening the part

Indian scout ally

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