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Heart Opening

The IFS session that inspired this wall hanging began with a big black cloud and an oak tree.  The image of an owl appears.    I see lightning strike something on the trunk of the oak tree.   It's my heart and it's struck open.


 Then I see my brother dancing in emotional distress and our mother's there too.  But she doesn't know what to do and her emotional self slowly fades away. 

 And me - I'm there doing what I used to do, trying to breathe and remain centered and present for both of them.  Although I'm older than my brother in regular life, here trying to hold the emotional center I'm quite small and young.

I keep thinking the wall hanging is finished and photographing it.  But no, our mother comes back clearer and clearer as we keep working.


I keep thinking the wall hanging is finished and photograph it.  But, no, the image of our mother is not complete.  She comes back more and more as we keep working.

Here on the right  is in the final version of our mother so far.


I have gained clairity on our family dynamics and have some new ways to relate to my brother, Steve.


This wall hanging was finished in early 2014

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