In this IFS session we met a witch/scarecrow who stood rigidly clutching her broom. Joanne asked what I thought of crows. They are wonderful, ruskus rousing, rambunctous creatures. What a surprise to find that my scarecrow took on these crow characteristics when I started making her out of cloth.
I made another head and this one also wanted to be on the wall hanging. Once her head was pinned onto the wall hanging it was easy to pin the fabric of her clothes to round out her character.
II attached some hands onto a peice of felt to make the teenage scarecrow's body and when I added it to the wall hanging it got twisted and made her look pregnant.
I was not pregnant as a teenager, but I can feel the creative possiblities of that age. As creative suggetions for this wall hanging kept coming, it felt like my teenage parts were telling it the way they wished they had been supported.
After this session and after making the wall hanging about it we had another session about showing up in the world. In it I saw an auditorium of people looking at this wall hanging.