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 Angel Gabriel and Me

In our IFS sessions we sometimes explore the traumas that create the exiles.  Here we went to the time I was in the hospital having my tonsils removed.  As a 4 year old I was really scared and asked if I would still be me after I came out of anesthesia.

The first part who appeared in our session said her name was Anesthesia.  She is a watery, flowing being that comes into my current life when I feel threatened and she makes the others parts fog out.  In this session she showed herself as an abstraction which I depicted with the flowing patterns of silk that run diagonally across the top and horizontally across the middle of the piece.  
As we explored my hospital stay, Anesthesia  showed herself as a candy striper, a teenage girl who helps in the hospital who wears a red and white striped apron.

Next we went back to when I was born and here too Anesthesia was present as my mother was under her influence during the birthing process.  
As we explored my birth, we met an ally, the Angel Gabriel who apparently came to me as a baby and taught me about love and being a person.  His skin is made of felt and his hair comes from the edge of the material that his wings come from.  He holds me as a baby through the candy stripe material of Anesthesia.  I don’t have a conscious memory of this and so I depicted these visitations as fading into the unconscious which is in the bottom half of the wall hanging. 

​The baby’s skin is also made of felt and her hair the golden curly material of the upper background.  She came into being very alert and inquisitive about this angelic being who appears in her life as she feels the heart connection that all babies need.
Every time I look at "Angel Gabriel and Me" I feel a little bit more accepting that this really could have happened and all I need to do is to accept the love that's here.  It's a lovely feeling. 

"Angel Gabriel and Me" was finished in early 2012.
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